Saturday, February 28, 2009

[christopher jak]

naked and tired from the night that's gone by
she kisses your eyes and you wake
then morning has brought you something as old and as new
as the breath that you take

the world's spinning 'round you in circles
your feet feel like lead
and the weight makes you loosen your grip
and from the shoulders of giants you slip
and the ground is so hard and their voices so far
that you can't hear what they say

tending the truth is something new
you weep without a tear in your eye
an endless repetition of the weightless words
give strength to a timeless lie

the world's spinning 'round you in circles
your feet feel like lead
and the weight makes you loosen your grip
and from the shoulders of giants you slip
and the ground is so hard and their voices so far
that you can't hear what they say

this means everything to you
wait to see if it's true
that life is born to new seamless memories
or is it all the same?

standing still as a child who's been lost in a crowd of strangers
loud and dangerous
everytime you close your eyes, your mind is screaming 'oh please help me'
all you want now is so much more than you've got, you want everything

but everything is right in front of you if you just open your eyes again
death be knocking on passion's door
that's where it all begins
all begins right here, at the end

the world's spinning 'round you in circles
your feet feel like lead
and the weight makes you loosen your grip
and from the shoulders of giants you slip
and the ground is so hard and their voices so far
that you can't hear what they say

this means everything to you
wait to see if it's true
that life is born to new seamless memories
or is it all the same?

peace and love

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

we're all mad here

alice girl:

if i had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. everything would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. and contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. and what it wouldn't be, it would. you see?

[think about that one.]

peace and love

Sunday, February 22, 2009

only the good die young

Eighty-five percent of us are fucked.

People continue to smile,
But smiles and prayers aren't gonna change reality.

You may call me bitter, cynical, jaded...
But I raise my glass to you,

With this dripping from my lips:

Belonging is not something I have ever concerned myself with
And is not something I give two shits about.

I toss my head back,

Down my drink,

Somehow knowing
I would meet my end this way.

peace and love

Monday, February 16, 2009

Sunday, February 15, 2009

here's a thought...

physics tells us that everything on this planet will fail us eventually. trust someone, fall in love: your scars will tell the same story. entropy, pain, beauty, love, hope...mix them together and call it living. the choice that remains is where we go to find meaning and truth. the biggest failures and disappointments in my life have led me to look beyond what money or power or friends can buy. when you're face down at the very bottom of who you are, and there is no formality or pretence to cling to, all your masks fall off. in this broken place, our lives can be seen for what they are, no more, no less; we are ourselves. the question is this: what happens after the twin towers in our lives fall? do we become bitter and hateful or does redemption come into focus. i've been on both sides...only one is beautiful...

peace and love

Saturday, February 14, 2009

just some lovin'

ole LC:

Suzanne takes you down
to her place near the river
you can hear the boats go by
you can spend the night beside her
And you know she’s half crazy
and she feeds you tea and oranges

that come all the way from China
And just when you mean to tell her
that you have no love to give her
then she gets you on her wavelength
and she lets the river answer
that you’ve always been her lover

Now Suzanne takes your hand
and she leads you to the river
she is wearing rags and feathers
from Salvation Army counters
And the sun pours down like honey
on our lady of the harbour
And she shows you where to look
among the garbage and flowers

And Jesus was a sailor
when he walked upon the water
and he spent a long time watching
from his lonely wooden tower
and when he knew for certain
only drowning men could see him
he said, "All men will be sailors then
until the sea shall free them"
but he himself was broken
long before the sky would open
forsaken, almost human
he sank beneath your wisdom like a stone

And you want to travel with her
and you want to travel blind
and you know that she will trust you
for you’ve touched her perfect body
with your mind

And you want to travel blind
you know that you can trust her
for she’s touched your perfect body
with her mind...